Pros and Cons of Online Learning

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Online Learning, one of the major changes in our lives during this pandemic situation.

The “new normal” in education is e-learning. Now a days E-learning has emerged as a necessity for the students all over the world. But, as with any matter, online learning also has its set of own advantages and disadvantages.

Let me start with its Advantages.

Increased Flexibility

You have the freedom to study how you want to, where you want to and when you want to. Therefore, e-learning is very popular with adults who have other commitments.

Ease of Access

All you need to study online is a computer with internet access, your study materials like classwork are sent to you via a file transfer system.


Studying online avoids financial bullets that students must bear. Travel costs, prices at the cafeteria, etc., are at times ridiculous.

Time Saving

Time spent for commuting to and from classes can be saved and can be utilized in studies or for extra-curricular activities.

Apart from the advantages there are also its disadvantages.

Lack of Social Interaction

This is especially relevant for young students who should be making friends, asking doubts personally for better understanding and having a great time. Even though students communicate via online, learning through physical interaction is totally a different experience.


If two candidates are interviewed, except one studied at a conventional university and the other studied online, the student who studied online will miss out. Until online education becomes more common and accepted, reputation remains a definite disadvantage.

Internet Access

A connection with decent speed is a major issue. Without a consistent internet connection for students or teachers, there can be a lack of continuity in child’s education. This is harmful to the education process.

Fewer Courses

There are many subjects that cannot be covered online. Subjects involving practical lessons or proper professional guidance while performing are a NO on the online platform. Either student might not be able to grab the learnings or might get hurt while work on them or may not even have the equipment to perform at home.


It is a very exciting time for technology and education. For e-learning to be successful, the curriculum, the technology and the students must be considered and balanced to take full strengths of this format and simultaneously, consider its weaknesses and try to overcome them.

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