Microsoft introduces ‘Mesh’, 3D Virtual Meet Technology

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Microsoft calls it as “Mixed Reality Platform”, virtual form of Microsoft Teams. “Holoportation” allowing people to appear as themselves in a virtual space. It is like a meeting where all are present around a table in a meeting room and interacting with each other. You will feel that you are directly interacting with the people who are present in the meeting, but the reality is that it is all Virtual Avatars, a holographic version of yourself. The voice of the person appears to be coming from the same direction of the avatar itself.

CEO Satya Nadella during his keynote speech at Ignite compared the new Technology to Xbox. “Think about what Xbox Live did for gaming — we went from single player to multiplayer, creating communities that helped people connect and achieve together,” said Nadella. “Now just imagine if the same thing happened with mixed reality.”

Alex Kipman appeared as a hologram and introduced Microsoft Mesh in Microsoft Ignite March 2021 on virtual stage.

Simon Skaria, co-creator and Director of Product for Microsoft Mesh demonstrated Mesh and its AI-powered capabilities. Simon hails from Ernakulam, Kerala, India.

Even if you are geographically apart, you can connect to Mesh from anywhere, there by cutting time, distance and cost. This will help in more interactive meetings, Presentation sessions, Design sessions, Social gatherings, Assisting others etc.

Mesh is not an application or device, it is a platform to have a shared virtual experience on a variety of devices. The holographic content is in the cloud platform, you only need special lenses that allow to see it.  Mesh will support on HMD (head mounted displays), or Oculus Quest 2 or even on smart phones, tablets (iOS or Android), Windows computers or Mac.

Its Future

Mesh will allow Engineers or Architects to view or inspect a holographic model of the construction and make corrective decisions at the early stages of the project.

In the current situation of Covid, this will help in different ways. To maintain social distancing and have interactive meetings and presentations.

Technology will be applicable in Healthcare industry. Holoportation and holographic tools may enable new approach in medical education and healthcare research. Researchers or medical students can analyze organs or peel back muscles to see what is underneath.

It will boost up the Work from Home Productivity. You will be able to collaborate and work as if you are working together.

Designers can work together on 3D physical models, whether it be a new car model, machinery, furniture and meet the expectation in an effective way. Thereby resulting in a cost-effective output.

Students can attend Lab or Practical sessions and experience the real physical presence.

Remote assistance, an Expert can teleport to anywhere and resolve any complex situations. Whether it be getting an advice from a medical specialist physically sitting at another part of the world or an expert providing remote assistance to complex problems.

You can try clothes or furniture by virtually seeing the 3D images using the technology before buying it.


Microsoft announced two apps built on the Microsoft Mesh Platform. One, a preview of Mesh app for HoloLens, which allows team members to remotely collaborate and is available for download and a new version of Mesh enabled Altspace VR.

Microsoft is coming up with Mesh integration with Microsoft Teams and Dynamics 365.

Microsoft Mesh platform offers in coming months, developers a full suite of AI-powered tools for avatars, session management, spatial rendering, synchronization across multiple users and holoportation to build collaborative solutions in mixed reality, the company said.

Mesh is built on Azure, Microsoft’s cloud computing platform, thereby benefits from Azure’s enterprise security and privacy features, as well as its vast computational resources, data, AI and mixed reality services.

Mesh is integrated with AD, Active Directory and MSA, Managed Service Account so that you will be able to invite participants securely.

Application developers can use mesh technology and incorporate with their own application or device by signing up for Mesh SDK at

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